Friday, February 26, 2010

Energy Efficient Players

The spa and hot tub industry landscape has had it's Bellwether moment. The PGE / Cal Poly tests point toward energy being a topic that affects all of us more and more every day. With changes in social conscience, costs, regulation and public perception in the spa industry a pattern is starting to emerge. Both industry players who have an investment in time toward efficiency as well as those just getting on-board are driving change in overall spa power consumption. Spas and hot tubs are becoming a point of focus for savings and this blog is all about pointing people to the information that they need about energy efficient spa manufacturers and accessory vendors.

Over at Regal Spas energy efficiency is a talking point. They get first mention because they posted an email from Coverplay's owner E. Jess Tudor going on about exceeding efficiency goals... For Jess, exceeding goals = Good Times! It seems Regal Spas has a winner of a controller and that when combined with a
Cover Pro System it maybe made Mr. Tudor a bit... Well, excited. 

Now, while trolling the web looking for the hot tip in energy efficient spas and hot tubs I came across Cal Spas build page. Impressive if those puppies are foam filled between cabinet and shell. Thats important for heat retention and if your current hot tub is lacking such insulation a good way to go is with a Spa Photo Wrap. It's a way to insulate and customize at the same time with designs ranging from flowers to camouflage (for the Mossy Oak freak in all of us).

So, a third interesting company is Vita Spa, another full foam cabinet manufacturer. They make relevant claims about their foam insulation but where is the cover talk? I think Coverplay and Vita Spa need to get together as a Spa Cover Pro System would be the perfect compliment to all that cabinet filler... Coverplay could be to a Vita Spa what bacon is to a cheeseburger, the perfect topping (if that wasn't a foodian slip I don't know what is).

Well since things are degrading to cheeseburgers I think I'll call it good for the morning. Love to see comments here as to what products and manufacturers you have found that are part of the 'green edge' with regards to the spa and hot tub industry (OK, Portable Acrylic Spa Industry) because it is (IMO) something worthy of promotion and awareness. Personal Spas are a good thing, hydrotherapy rocks and in this authors opinion, drinking coffee in a hot tub to wake up is about the best way to start a day. Ever. To be able to keep doing that for a fraction of the cost in heating is (again IMO) where it's at now-a-days. Saving money, saving energy and eating cheeseburgers with bacon... Er... Relaxing in the hot tub.

More 'Energy Efficient Players' soon.

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